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Headlines Are Matching Bible Prophecy. NOW What to Do? Am I Prepared or Have I Missed an ESSENTIAL Element? (Video)

Have you been noticing the recent, as-in this year’s, headlines?  And how they are matching Bible prophecy? Are you prepared for what your personal future holds?


When I was a new Christian, I was advised by well-meaning fellow Christians to expect an attack from the enemy of my soul whenever I reached a new milestone or victory in my Christian walk. So what did I do? I waited for it, because I was expecting it!

Ok, sometimes I need things spelled out for me. ABC, 123 style. It never occurred to me to prepare, I only waited. And when “it” happened, I trudged through it rebuking as I went, seeking yet another victory only this time victory over the attack. Yet, I could have avoided the attack by preparing! See the mess, the vicious cycle that I was in?

Is our future uncertain? I do not think so, not for the expectant Christian who is in the Word/Bible.

The Bible tells us rather plainly what is in our, and the worlds, future.  The Lord did not give us clues and prophecy just to scare us of what is coming. Rather, He pointed out to each and every one who will listen to Him, what the future brings so that we would prepare ourselves and others for it and not just wait and accept the predicted and most certain war and persecution to come.  Will you be among the many who have waited until the last minute to escape only to be caught in an endless line of standstill?  A sitting duck for the enemy to obliterate?

Things, events will NOT proceed as normal. Perhaps this change will be relatively soon. Or not. I choose to prepare for “soon” so as not to be caught unaware or unprepared.   Will it be drawn out; first America under expansive attack? Will Americans be shell-shocked like we see citizens across the globe experiencing? Will I be homeless, needing to survive the roughest camp-out ever? Wondering if I will not be able to cope, that it’s all horribly frightening … Will me and my loved ones die from the first attack or will we have the courage to face torture, or the guillotine or other deadly means? Will each of us remain faithful to the Faithful One? Will Americans be so arrogant as to think we will never come under massive and full-scale attack?

I don’t know these particulars, just that there most definitely will be a WW3. How it will impact America, there are many theories.

So, what to do?

 I pray for His strength. He tells us that we can accomplish anything through Him Who strengthens us. I believe Him due to past experiences I have gone through with Him. So I lean on His strength, just as a weary and wounded traveler would lean on a companions shoulder for strength to go on. I draw from His strength since mine is so very limited.

I pray for souls. I pray for souls like I have never done before. I don’t want anyone that I know or even pass by, to not have the True Savior.  The thought of family , friends, acquaintances, and strangers going to eternal damnation is unbearable for me.  So I pray also for a personalized and effective spirit of evangelism.  And I pray Philippians 4:13 as well.

 Was I always this aware of the need for evangelism? Nope. Far, far from it.




You go to the movies and have found a really good one. Great acting, great actors, fantastic plot, surprise and satisfying ending. What do you do, not tell your friends? No, regardless of the conversation, you find or make a way into the conversation to tell them about this fabulous movie that they simply have got to go see! Evangelism is like that. Simply sharing a good thing because it’s just so good!

I remind myself that on the day that I finally will see God Face to face, that I want to be able to look Him in the eye, unashamed. I do want to hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” I do want to be a prepared bride for my Groom and not caught in my dungarees and muddy boots. (Symbolically speaking of course.) I do want my soul to sing a joyful song and not one of weeping and grief.  Oh, bless the Lord oh my soul! And all that is within me, bless His holy Name!

My song is: Reaching Out to the Lost.

My song is: Blow the Trumpet and Sound the Alarm!

My song is: Persevere, Persevere, Persevere!

My song is: I Will Honor You Lord With Every Thought, Word and Deed!

I can’t sing my song of truth without a melody.  My melody is the beauty of the Word of God. It is there, in that inner sanctum, when I dig deeply into His Word and pray for revelation, a better understanding, that He reveals Himself freely and with open Arms. So gladly and patiently waiting for me there. In  our communications, when I worship, and when I call out to Him. And I pray while I hike, when I wash dishes, when I read.  I simply talk to Him or ask Him things. There is always time, I just need to discipline myself to incorporate time with Him while I am going about my daily activities. But that is not to neglect devotion time, the time I spend just with Him, no distractions, it is in addition to.

It’s like this: all of us are going to need Him so desperately during tribulation, whatever that “tribulation” will be and to whatever degree.  If we are not trained, prepared, and already in the habit of fellowship and listening to Him, how will we be able to “know His Voice” when it hits the fan?  John 10:27

I pray that you will ponder these things, then do something immediately about it.

Do you know the Lord God Jehovah? God the Father, God the Son and God the holy Spirit?  Everybody should know Him, He desires that no one perishes. Everybody needs to know Him. He is a good God, a loving God Who is there to help, guide and to protect. He has given us all the information that we need and has told us what the future holds in order for us to prepare for that and to come to Him, submitted to Him. He is a holy God, so holy that we can not comprehend His holiness with our limited human ability. He invites us to a holy living now, and even better, later, eternally with Him.

God loves each and every person so much that He gave a part of Himself to make a way, the only way to be redeemed, sanctified, saved from sin. That is through God the Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth not the prophet. Come to Him while you can still hear Him calling you.


Dear God, I am a sinner in need of forgiveness. Please forgive me of my sins.  I believe in and want Your priceless, yet free to me gift of salvation through Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I believe Jesus Christ shed His Blood for my sins (the penalty for sin has always been the shedding of blood) and that He died and rose to live forevermore. I now invite Jesus Christ of Nazareth into my heart and life as my personal Savior. Thank You for Your forgiveness that purifies my soul into right standing with You! Thank You for my salvation. Help me to know, to honor and to serve You.


Congratulations to those who just became a brother or sister in Christ Jesus, I love a large family! And Congratulations to the Christians who are motivated to obey Christ’s command: Matthew 28:19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.”            

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